2022-12-13 14:49:16 来源:网络 点击:
二级工业 "Secondary industry"""
速限解除 "Speed-limitend"""
合硫试验 "Sulphate test"""
反向曲线,S曲线 S curve
S载重 S-loading
布纹粉刷 Sack-rubbed finish
袋放混凝土 Sacked concrete
电镀阳极 Sacrificial anode
电镀保护 Sacrificial protection
分道管 Saddle clip
安全应力 Safe stress
安全车 Safety car
安全引线 Safety fuse
安全岛 Safety island
下垂力矩 Sagging moment
帆船,沙船 Sailing ship
帆绳 Sailing wire
定期航行 Sailing,fixed
盐分污染 Saline contamination
盐分法 Saline method
盐水泉 Saline spring
盐度 Salinity
碱土化 Salonization
盐分均衡 Salt balance
洗盐 Salt exclusion
盐分指数 Salt index
盐害 Salt injury
盐稳定土壤 Salt stabilized soil
监水侵害 Salt water encroachment
盐水管系纺 Salt water system
楔形盐水流 Salt wedge
跳跃,跃动 Saltation
跳跃载重 Saltation load
陶土制品 Saltglazed ware
盐液法 Saltsolution method
防盐风林 Salty wind protection forest
可氧化盐类 Salt,oxidizable
打捞业,救难工作 Salvage service
救难拖船 Salvage tog
救难船 Salvage vessel
舢舨 Sampan
裂取土样器,土样分取器 Sample splitter
抽样交通量调查 Sample traffic survey
海底采样器 Sampler,bottom
粘土取样器 Sampler,clay
薄管取样器 Sampler,foil
活塞采样器 Sampler,piston
采雪器 Sampler,snow
浮淤土采样器 Sampler,suspended sediment
浮土采样器 Sampler,suspended-load
薄管探样器 Sampler,thin-walled
钻取土样 Sample,borehole
钻心样本 Sample,core
扰动样本 Sample,disturbed
单一水样 Sample,grab
单点样 Sample,point
代表样品 Sample,representative
湿试样 Sample,wet
样本可信率 Sampling reliability
取样管 Sampling spoon
取样筒 Sampling tube
积深取样法 Sampling,depth integration
栏砂栅 Sand arresting hedge
喷砂 Sand blasting
夯实砂桩法 Sand compaction pile method
沙粒蠕动 Sand creep
砂渗排水 Sand drain
砂渗法 Sand drain method
砂胀比 Sand expansion ratio
砂滤 Sand filtration
截砂池 Sand interceptor
含砂百分比 Sand percentage
泵砂挖泥机 Sand pump dredger
砂粒跳动 Sand saltation
砂嘴 Sand split
条纹 Sand streak
撤砂轨道 Sand track
注砂筒 Sand volume apparatus
抛石胶浆法 Sandmastic method
夹心板 Sandwich plate
夹层结构 Sandwich structure
砂质土 Sandy soil
飞砂 Sand,blown
碎沙 Sand,crushed
漂砂 Sand,drifting
级配抄 Sand,graded
油砂层 Sand,oil
坑砂 Sand,pit
放射性砂 Sand,radioisotope
河砂 Sand,river
净砂 Sand,washed
喷饮泉 Sanitary drinking fountain
卫生工程学 Sanitary engineering
卫生污水 Sanitary sewage
污水管 Sanitary sewer
污水沟管系统 Sanitary sewerage system
家庭废水 Sanitary wastewater
卫生稽查员 Sanitation inspector
流域卫生 Sanitation,watershed
边木面 Sap-side
皂化 Saponification
腐生菌 Saprophytic bacteria
水平夹材 Sash brace
卫星城市 Satellite city
卫星市镇 Satellite town
饱和黏土 Saturated clay
饱和曲线 Saturated curve
饱和碳氢化合物 Saturated hydrocarbon
面干饱水状态 Saturated surfacedry condition
饱和单位重 Saturated unit weight
饱和能力 Saturation capacity
饱和曲线 Saturation curve
饱和坡 Saturation gradient
饱和压 Saturation pressure
饱和区 Saturation zone
饱和绝热倾率 Saturationadiabatic lapse rate
饱和氧量 Saturation,oxygen
制材 Sawing,lumber
制材,锯材 Sawn timber
锯缝机 Saw,concrete
钻石锯 Saw,diamond
锯缝机 Saw,joint
粗琢石工 Scabbing
脚手板 Scaffold board
脚手工 Scaffolding man
学校区 School district
剪式横渡线 Scissors crossing
反跃式硬度试验 Scleroscope hardness test
土铲 Scoop
挡轮块 Scotch block
冲砂口 Scour outlet
冲砂管 Scour pipe
防冲面层 Scour protection
排砂阀 Scour valve
刮运推土机 Scrape dozer
刮士装载机 Scraper loader
转式刮土机 Scraper,bowl
拖式刮工机 Scraper,drag
四轮刮运机 Scraper,four wheel
手刮器 Scraper,hand
括运机 Scraper,motor
刮污泥机 Scraper,sludge
牵引式刮运机 Scraper,tractordrawn
双轮刮运机 Scraper,turnapull
样板画线 Scratching
混凝土修饰刮板 Screed,concrete finishing
筛槽 Screen chamber
屏栅线 Screen line
栅线调查 Screen line count
过筛道碴 Screened ballast
筛选砾石 Screened gravel
过筛材料 Screened material
过筛,筛除 Screening
筛层脱水 Screening dewatering
筛层磨碎机 Screening grinder
筛层切碎机 Screening shredder
湿洗法,洗石子 Screening,wet
骨材筛分机 Screen,aggregate
带式活动筛 Screen,belt
磨碎筛 Screen,comminuting
切筛 Screen,cutting
鱼筛 Screen,fish
斜筛机 Screen,inclined
进水筛 Screen,intake
试验用动力筛 Screen,mechanical testing
杆筛 Screen,rod
回转式筛 Screen,rotary
板桩拦水幂 Screen,sheetpile
栏污栅 Screen,trash
条栅 Screen,,rack
螺旋涡流 Screw current
螺旋式流速计 Screw current meter
螺旋钻 Screw drill
螺旋椿 Screw pile
松紧螺扣 Screw shackle
螺旋梯 Screw stage
螺旋式清洗机 Screwed washer
调整螺旋 Screw,adjusting
夹紧螺丝 Screw,clamping
螺丝枪 Screw,dowel
调微螺丝 Screw,fine adjustment
底脚螺丝 Screw,foot
上盘微动螺丝 Screw,upper plate slow motion
浮渣挡板 Scum baffle
浮渣室 Scum chamber
浮渣撇除器 Scum collector
浮渣间 Scum space
浮渣槽 Scum trough
拙沫板,污渣挡板 Scumboard
浮渣破除装置 Scumbreaker
S水历线 Scurve hydrograph
海堤 Sea bank
海上船席 Sea berth
海啸 Sea bore
海防 Sea coast defence
海堤 Sea dyke
出海拖船 Sea going tug
耐海性 Sea keep quality
海平面 Sea level
潮位偏差 Sea level departure from normal
填海 Sea reclamation
海浪阶级 Sea state
海谷 Sea valley
风浪 Sea wind wave
海鸣 Sea-noise
海底摩擦 Seabottom friction
海底比降 Seabottom slope
封缝机 Sealer,joint
海平面校正 Sealevel correction
耐高热接缝料 Seal,jet
沥青封层 Seal,slurry
封弯 Seal,trap
缝,夹层 Seam
海滨公园 Seaside park
干裂 Season crack
季节电力 Seasonal power
季节恢复 Seasonal recovery
季节性径流 Seasonal runoff
季节蓄水 Seasonal storage
季节性交通型 Seasonal traffic pattern
风干 Seasoning,air drying
热气干燥 Seasoning,hot-air
真空干燥 Seasoning,vacuum
枯籇u Season,dry
冰冻季节 Season,freezing
席位,所在地 Seat
沈陷部位 Seat of settlement
梁坐 Seat,beam
适航性 Seaworthiness
耐航试验 Seaworthiness test
满潮 Sea,full
公海 Sea,high
公海 Sea,open
领海 Sea,territorial
正割弹性模数 SeCant modulus of elasticity
外割,正矢 Secant,external
道岔附曲线 Second curve of turnout
第二车道 Second lane
二等水平标点 Second order bench mark
二等水平测量 Second order levelling
二等作图仪 Second order plotting instrument
二等三角测量 Second order triangu- lation
二等三角点 Second order triangu- lation station
二次辗压 Second rolling
二次压缩 Secondary compression
副压密 Secondary consolidation
次孔隙度 Secondary porosity
二等港 Secondary port
次要道路 Secondary road
二级沈淀池 Secondary sedimentation basin
次要街道 Secondary street
二级监视雷达(航空) Secondary surveillance radar,S S R
二度处理 Secondary treatment
二等三角点 Secondary triangulation station
副振动 Secondary undulation
二级废水处理 Secondary wastewater treatment
断面水平测量 Section levelling
型钢 Section steel
分包 Sectional contract
凹凸断面 Section,beaded
破断面 Section,broken
破断面 Section,broken-out
复式断面 Section,double
跌水段 Section,drop-down
空心断面 Section,dynacore
电化区段 Section,electrified
挤型 Section,extruded
地质横断面图 Section,geologic
地质柱状图 Section,geologic columnner
总断面 Section,gross
马蹄形断面 Section,horseshoeshaped
观测断面(水文) Section,hydrometric
内净空断面 Section,inner
开侧断面 Section,open
开放路段 Section,opening
溢流断面 Section,overflow
旋转断面 Section,revolved
简式断面 Section,single
单腹断面 Section,singleweb
切片 Section,thin
足尺断面 Section,true
交织路段 Section,weaving
扇形闸门 Sector gate
扇状理论 Sector theory
有色光弧(灯塔) Sector,colored
沈滓值 Sediment charge
沈渣浓度 Sediment concentration
沈渣控制 Sediment control
沈渣流量 Sediment discharge
渣流曲线 Sediment discharge curve
沈渣分布 Sediment distribution
渣流历线 Sediment hydrograph
沈渣率定曲线 Sediment rating curve
沈渣径流 Sediment runoff
沈渣空间浓度 Sediment spatial concentration
渣粒球性 Sediment sphericity
沈渣流送 Sediment transport
沈渣载运能力 Sediment transport competency
沈渣载运浓度 Sediment transport concentration
沈渣输送 Sediment transportation
沈渣管 Sediment tube
合渣水 Sediment water
清量 Sediment yield
沈淀室 Sedimentation compartment
沈淀室 Sedimentation compartment
沈淀法 Sedimentation method
沈淀时间 Sedimentation period
流域沈淀 Sedimentation,basin
断续沈淀 Sedimentation,intermittent
化学沈滓 Sediment,chemical
移动沈渣 Sediment,delivery
浮游土 Sediment,suspended
接种物 Seeding material
污泥接种 Seeding,sludge
渗流 Seepage flow
渗流压力 Seepage pressure
渗流面 Seepage surface
渗流水 Seepage water
暴雨渗流 Seepage,storm
缺圆拱木 Segmental arch timber
弧形冲淤闸门;级式排水闸门 Segmental sluice gate
短木拱 Segmental timberarch
峰段 Segment,crest
峰段 Segment,peak
震度,地震系数 Seismic coefficient
地震力 Seismic force
震波探查 Seismic prospecting
地震海啸 Seismic sea wave
地震海啸 Seismic surge
震波 Seismic wave
地震带 Seismic zone
地震速度计 Seismograph,velocity
地震仪 Seismometer
捆牢 Seizing
透膜选择度 Selectivity,membrane
自航挖泥船 Self propeller dredger
自航联斗式挖泥船 Self propelling bucket dredger
自航吸式挖泥船 Self propelling suction dredger
自校水平仪 Selfadjusting level
自锚式吊桥 Selfanchored suspension bridge
自洗坡度 Selfcleansing gradient
自足式小区 Selfcontained community
自激振动 Selfexcited vibration
自然电位能测量 Selfpotential survey
自引离心泵 Selfpriming centrifugal pump
自净常数 Selfpurification constant
白读标尺 Selfreading staff
自折视距仪 Selfreducing tacheo- meter
自束 Selfrestraint
自生应力 Selfstress
自加预力 Selfstressing
半自动称量 Semiautomatic weigh
半自动焊机 Semiautomatic welder
双建住宅 Semidetached house
准防火地域 Semifire zone
半重力式桥台 Semigravity type abutment
半重力式捕土墙 Semigravity type retaining wall
半湿润 Semihumid
准工业区域 Semiindustrial district
半楼止水 Semiperched water
半永久建筑 Semipermanent building
半透膜 Semipermeable membrane
半刚式船台 Semirigid cradle
亚钢管 Semisteel pipe
半自动交通开放号志 Semitraffic-actuated signal
侵入浪 Send wave
输电端 Sending end
敏感黏土 Sensitive clay
感度比 Sensitivity ratio
分包 Separate contract
立体交口 Separate crossing
相对式站台 Separate platform
分流沟管系统 Separate sewerage system
分道交通 Separate traffic
分向车道 Separated traffic lane
分水堰 Separating weir
分离破损 Separation failure
泡沫分离 Separation,foam
公路立体交叉 Separation,highway grade
Y形立体交叉 Separation,Y grade
油水分离船 Separator barge
车道分隔带 Separator,lane
腐化污泥 Septic sludge
腐污水 Septic wastewater
腐化 Septicization
层次 Sequence of strata
复合 Sequestration
波列,波系 Series of wave
年洪水级数,年洪峰序列 Series,annual flood
全序列 Series,full
服务圈 Service area
公益设施 Service facility
使用载重 Service load
用户水表 Service meter
用户水管 Service pipe line
导致半径 Service radius
出入道路 Service road
便梯 Service stage
修理站 Service station
服务业 Serviceindustry
公益服务 Service,common
绕索细线 Serving
线群 Set of track
风扬 Set-up,wind
退缩线 Setback line
小方块石 Sett
凝结,设定 Setting
终凝 Setting final
凝结时间 Setting time
初凝 Setting,initial
沈降试验 Settleability test
沈降性固体 Settleable solid
沈陷分析 Settlement analysis
沈陷裂缝 Settlement crack
集居机能 Settlement function
沈陷测定 Settlement measurement
沈陷观测 Settlement observation
地盘沈陷 Settlement of ground
集居模式 Settlement pattern
沈陷 Settlement sinking
密集居住区 Settlement,compact
接面沈陷 Settlement,contact
差异沈陷 Settlement,differential
扭转下沈 Settlement,distorsion
阻滞沈淀 Settlement,hindered
实时沈陷 Settlement,immediate
固有沈落 Settlement,inherent
干扰沈陷 Settlement,interference
许i沈陷 Settlement,permissible
逐进性沈落 Settlement,progressive
相对沈陷量 Settlement,relative
均匀沈落 Settlement,uniform
沈淀池 Settling basin
沈淀槽 Settling chamber
沈淀固体 Settling solid
沈淀池 Settling tank
沈淀时间 Settling time
打铅工具,填缝工具 Set,caulking
凿子 Set,cold
假凝 Set,false
闪凝 Set,flash
污水费 Sewage charge
污水处置 Sewage disposal
污水沼气 Sewage gas
污水灌溉 Sewage irrigation
污水抽水站 Sewage pumping station
污水费 Sewage rate
污水淤泥 Sewage sludge
污水处理 Sewage treatment
污水处理厂 Sewage treatment plant
污水工程 Sewage work
处理污水排泄 Sewage,effluent
原污水 Sewage,raw
下水道附属设备 Sewer appurtenances
下水道底部 Sewer bottom
下水道气 Sewer gas
下水道管井,下水道人孔 Sewer manhole
下水道区 Sewerage district
合流式污水道 Sewerage of combined system
分流式污水道 Sewerage of separate system
下水道系统 Sewerage system
公共污水系统 Sewerage,public
下水道设施区 Sewered area
家庭污水管 Sewer,building
家庭雨水管 Sewer,building storm
蛋形下水道 Sewer,egg-shaped
私人下水道 Sewer,private
公共下水道 Sewer,public
雨水管 Sewer,stormwater
雨水溢流下水道 Sewer,stormwater overflow
行道树 Shade tree
阴影 Shading