2022-11-28 14:03:24 来源:网络 点击:
内应力 Interior stress
裹潮 Interior tide
联钻闭塞装置 Interlocking block system
囓合椿 Interlocking pile
联锁图表 Interlocking table
中间层 Intermediate belt
中间层 Intermediate layer
间歇载重 Intermediate load
中途港 Intermediate port
缓冲轨条 Intermediate rail
中级处理 Intermediate treatment
中间层水 Intermediate water
中位水道 Intermediate water-channel
中间锚 Intermidiate anchorage
间歇滤池 Intermittent filter
间歇滤过法 Intermittent filtration
间歇流式沈淀池 Intermittent flow settling basin
间歇灌溉 Intermittent irrigation
间歇运动 Intermittent motion
断续沈淀 Intermittent sedimentation
间歇泉 Intermittent spring
间歇河川 Intermittent stream
断续喀接 Intermittent weld
内燃机车 Internal combustion locomotive
内能 Internal energy
内焦透镜 Internal focussing lens
内焦式望远镜 Internal focussing telescope
内在预力 Internal prestress
内投影法 Internal projection
内稳定性 Internal stability
区内调查 Internal study
当地车辆 Internal traffic
内波 Internal wave
国际机场 International airport
国际港 International harbor
国际载重 International load line certificate
国际航程 International voyage
判读,研制,释义 Interpretation
区域间运输 Interregional transportation
交角,交叉点引道 Intersection angle
平面交叉,平交道 Intersection approach
槽化交叉 Intersection census
交叉点出口 Intersection entrance
喇叭交叉 Intersection exit
多层式交叉 Intersection leg
交叉路口冲突 Intersectional friction
立体圆环道 Intersection,at-grade
交叉口交通调查 Intersection,bridged rotary
多路交叉 Intersection,channelized
交叉点入口 Intersection,compound
四路交叉 Intersection,flared
回转交叉 Intersection,four-way
侧方交会法 Intersection,gyratory
交叉路 Intersection,lateral
复式交叉 Intersection,multi-bridge
复式交叉 Intersection,multiple
璟状交叉 Intersection,multiway
斜交叉 Intersection,rotary
丁字交叉 Intersection,skew
三道交叉 Intersection,T
涡式璟行道交叉 Intersection,three-way
Y形交叉 Intersection,turbine-type rotary
间隙冰 Intersection,Y
热带幅合区 Interstitial ice
热带锋面 Intertropic convergence zone
清道时间 Intertropic front
市内运输 Interval phase
超越期间 Interval,clearance
高潮间隔 Interval,exceedance
低潮间隔 Interval,high water
时相分段 Interval,low water
内在渗透率 Intra zonal traffic
区域内运输 Intra ,regional highway
冰区洒水 Intracity transportation
区域内公路 Intrapermafrost table
城内交通 Intraregional transpOrtation
侵入水 Intrinsic permeability
障碍泉 Intruding water
侵入岩 Intrusion spring
泛滥区 Intrusive rock
泛滥区 Inundated area
泛滥 Inundated district
泛滥渠 Inundation
饱水量砂法 Inundation canal
恒范钢 Inundator
地水登录 Invar
污泥密度指数 Inventory,ground water
雨量逆转 Inverse sludge index
低地排水井 Inversion of rainfall
内流水涡轮 Invert level
仰拱衬砌 Inverted drainage well
倒位 Inverted lining
倒丁字 Inverted position
反井,倒井 Inverted T type retaining wall
倒丁字挡土墙 Inverted tee
倒式水平仪 Inverted well
耗碘量 Inward flow turbine
可交换离子 Iodine consumed
铁细菌 Ion,exchangeable
三角坐钣(置标尺用) Iron bacteria铁水泥 Iron cement
铁板铺面 Iron paving
铁粉水泥 Iron powder cement
铁桥 Iron,benching
曲线板,云形板 Irregular French curve
不定点列车 Irregular train
灌溉面积 Irrigated area
灌溉排水系统 Irrigation and drainage system
灌溉渠道 Irrigation canal
灌溉渠道 Irrigation channel
灌溉区域 Irrigation district
灌溉效率 Irrigation efficiency
灌溉率 Irrigation intensity
灌溉系统 Irrigation system
灌溉水 Irrigation water
池式灌溉 Irrigation,basin
塍灌,田埂灌溉 Irrigation,border
续灌 Irrigation,continuous
旱地灌溉 Irrigation,field
淹灌 Irrigation,flood
淹灌法 Irrigation,flooding
轮灌 Irrigation,follow-on
抽水灌溉 Irrigation,lift
施肥灌溉 Irrigation,manuring
越蚯灌溉 Irrigation,plot-to-plot
重复灌溉 Irrigation,repeating
还流灌溉法 Irrigation,return flow
污水灌溉 Irrigation,sewage
喷洒灌溉 Irrigation,spray
喷洒灌溉 Irrigation,sprinker
带灌 Irrigation,strip
废水灌溉 Irrigation,wastewater
节水灌溉 Irrigation,water saving
原位剪力试验计 Iskymeter
路岛,岛 Island
岛式防浪堤 Island breakwater
岛式站台 Island platform
岛式挖掘法 Island process
中央岛 Island,center
中央岛,分向岛 Island,central
路中岛 Island,medial
行人登车岛 Island,pedestrian loading
行人避车岛 Island,pedestrian refuge
圆环岛 Island,roundabout
等深线 Isobath
等雪深线 Isochion
等时线 Isochrone
独立控制 Isolated control
隔离器 Isolator
同位置换 Isomorphous substitution
等雪线 Isonival
等雨比线 Isopercental
等管压线 Isopiestic line
等雨指数线 Isopluvial line
等温压线 Isothermal compression
定热程序 Isothermal process
同位素示踪剂 Isotopic tracer
同向性,迷向性 Isotropic
等向性材料 Isotropic material
等向性板 Isotropic plate
赠与住宅 Issued house