
谈科技英语中倍数翻译 句型多样是难点之一

2021-06-01 14:09:45   来源:网络    点击:


  因此,在翻译时候容易产生分歧。首先,“n times+adj比较级+than”和“n times+as+adj原级+as”两种句型理解和译法争议极大,有学者认为两种句型应该都翻译成净增(n-1)倍,而有却认为前者应译成净增n倍,后者应译成净增(n-1)倍。到底那一种翻译才正确?


  Evans认为:The word times may be used in comparing a large thing with a small one,as in it is three times as large and it is three times larger. The first form is perfectly clear but the second is ambiguous. It means to some people three times as large and to other four times as large. For this reason,it should be avoided.(1975:514)但Randolph Quick却对这个句型有着截然不同看法。他认为:Count as many…as noncount as much… as are equivalent to more… than when they are premodified by a times---phrase.(1985:1139)。我们不妨看一下下面这些科技概念翻译。

  (例1):Sound travels nearly three times faster in copper than in lead. 声音在铜中传播速度几乎比在铅中快三倍.
