
中华人民共和国行业标准翻译服务规范 之服务质量标准

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       中华人民共和国行业标准翻译服务规范 之服务质量标准


  翻译服务企业应以“诚信”和满足用户的需求作为本企业的最高目标。 Translation service provider shall set their final target as “Good Faith” and fully meeting the requirements of the clients. 在此基础上,各翻译服务企业可根据自身情况制订出符合本企业的质量方针和质量目标。 Based on these criteria, the service providers may establish their own quality policies and criteria according to the physical conditions of themselves. 翻译服务企业服务质量标准的范围包括:业务接洽、业务标识、业务流程、质量保证、资料存档、用户反馈、质量跟踪、责任等方面。 The scope of translation quality standard for the translation service provider include: reception, project ID, working flow, quality assurance, documentation and archiving, customer feedback, quality tracing, responsibilities, etc.

  3.1 业务接洽 3.1 Business Reception

  3.1.1 业务接洽是翻译服务企业的窗口,应在明显的位置摆放本企业(机构)的营业执照、税务登记等相关文件。 3.1.1 Reception is a window of the translation service provider; it is required to show the business license, tax registration certificate or other relative documents where appropriate in an easily-seen place. 业务接洽人员应熟悉本企业(机构)工作流程,服务内容,收费标准,服务周期,企业业绩等诸方面内容。 The reception staff shall be familiar with the working flow, service scope, and translation rates of the company where they are employed, necessary duration for the jobs, as well as the company’s achievements. 业务接洽人员应敬业诚实,着装得体,语言文明,尽可能满足用户的询问和咨询。 They shall serve their clients with sincerity and honesty, wear proper business attire and present themselves in an appropriate manner, professionally answer the questions and consultation from the clients.

  3.1.2 业务接洽应分成若干类。 3.1.2 The Business Reception is divided into a few categories. 门市业务接洽过程是充分了解用户意图的过程,要详细记录:用户的全称,联系方式,业务的语种和译成何种文字,译件使用的目的,双方认同的计字方法,约定的收费价格,译制的周期,成品的规格和质量要求,专有和特殊的术语(如果用户提供的话),准确的称谓,(这在公正翻译时尤为重要),预付的译费,原件和/或参考件的页数,译件的标识(在后文中详述)等,记录单上应要求用户签字确认。 The business discussion in the reception room is a process of fully understanding the client’s intention, and therefore it is required to make a detailed record: the fully name of the customer, their contacts, language pair, the purpose of the translation, words counting agreed by both parties, agreed translation rates, time needed for the job, regulations for the finished works and the quality requirements, technical terms (if the client provides them) , the precise titles (very important for notary certificate translation), advance payment, page number of the original document and/or reference document, project ID (described later), the records shall be confirmed by the customer through signature. 大宗或批量业务签定合同或协议书,合同或协议书应包括以下内容: For the large jobs or batch-delivered jobs it is required to sign an agreement by both parties which shall contain the following:

 - 用户的全称; - The full name of the customer

  - 用户的联系方式(电话、手机、传真、地址、邮编、E-mail等); - The detailed contacts of the customer (telephone number, cell phone number, fax, address, postal code and email, etc.)

  - 约定的翻译内容(语种、项目、周期); - Agreed contents to be translated (language pair, project, time needed)

  - 约定的交件型式; - Agreed type of delivery

  - 约定的质量内容; - Agreed quality requirements

  - 约定的保密条款; - Agreed confidentiality clauses

  - 约定的收费内容(计字方法、分项单价、图表的计字方法等); - Agreed charge details (word counting, translation rates, surcharges for the charts and images, etc.)

  - 约定的付款方式。 - Agreed payment

  3.1.3 额外的服务 3.1.3 Additional services

  如果用户希望获得额外服务应与翻译服务企业(机构)协商,额外服务有: If the customers expect to obtain additional services, they shall negotiate with the translation service providers (institutes), and such additional services include:

  * 为用户编写专业术语; * Glossary documentation

  * 图形设计(包括图片、公式、表格); * Image and charts design (picture, formula, tables)

  * 图纸处理(A3#以上大图的填字、缩放等); * Drawing processing (typing or zooming of A3# - above large drawing)

  * 版式加工; * Typeset

  * 制作版样,印刷; * Platemaking, printing

  * 用非Word的其他软件处理文档。 * Document processing by special software rather than Word

  额外服务的收费不含在翻译费内,需另行结算。 The charges for additional services are not included in the translation fee

  3.1.4 署名权、著作权 3.1.4 Authorship & Copyright

  用户必须向翻译服务企业(机构)明确译文的用途和使用对象,按双方的约定使用译文。 The customer shall clarify the purpose and people to utilize the translation to the service provider (institute), and utilize it as agreed. 无约定的情况下,译文的著作权,人格权中的署名属翻译服务企业(机构)所有。 If no agreement made in advance, then the translation copyright and the authorship shall be deemed as be owned by the service provider (institute).

  3.1.5 原文背景和专业术语 3.1.5 Background and technical terms

  用户希望使用某种特写的术语,则应为翻译提供相应的资料。 If the customer expect the translation to be written in special technical terms, then they shall provide related reference documents to the translator.

  用户必须向翻译提供相关的资料和信息,以在最大程度上支持翻译的工作。 Such documents and information may support the translation process significantly. 提供的资料和支持包括下列各个方面: They include:

  * 专业文献; * Literature

  * 专业术语; * Glossary

  * 难词释义和缩略词汇表; * Term Interpretation and Abbreviation

  * 相关的文字; * Reference texts

  * 背景文字; * Background texts

  * 指定的特殊软件; * Appointed special software

  * 参观工厂或现场。 * Factory or site visiting

  同时,用户必须为翻译提供有能力回答问题的联系人。 Meanwhile, the customer shall list contact persons who are able to answer the questions which may be raised by the translators.

  3.2 业务标识 3.2 Job ID

  每份资料应有明确且唯一的标识,该标识应随该资料通过整个译制流程,业务标识应有如下一项或数项内容: Every document shall have an unique ID which is attached to the document in the whole translation flow, the ID includes the following (one or a few):


 - 批次; - Batch no.

  - 时间; - Duration

  - 数量; - Qty.

  - 文种; - Language pair

  - 用户代码。 - Customer code

  标识可用数字、字母或其他方式表示,但不得混淆。 The ID may be presented by figures, letters or other means, but it shall be unique. 标识应具有可追溯性。 The ID shall be traceable .

  根据标识可追溯性列用户、译者、校对、审校、编辑、打字、文稿校对、印刷、发运人、存档位置等。 Through ID, the customer, translator(s), checker, proofreader, editor, typist, typing checker, printer, delivered-by and document path are all traceable.

  3.3 业务流程 3.3 Translation workflow

  业务流程的管理应涵括下列诸方面:译前准备、翻译、审校、专业审校(如果需要的话)、编辑、录入(打字排版)、文稿校对、印刷、质量检验、文档管理。 The management for translation workflow shall cover the following steps: preparation before translation, translation, proofreading, technical proofreading (if necessary), editing, typeset, text checker, printing, quality review, documentation management.

  3.3.1 译前准备 3.3.1 Translation Preparation

  译前准备人员应详细了解用户的需求,根据用户的需求,编制出译件完成的工序、时间、选择合格的译、校人员; The project manager who is responsible for the translation preparation shall understand the detailed customer requirements, based on which he or she makes reasonable project plan including processes, schedule, qualified translator and proofreaders.

  清点整理原件,检查有无、漏、缺页、不清晰处。 Check the source document whether or not there are pages missed or unclear. 如有,应向用户说明,并 要求用户补充提供。 If that happens he or she shall explain to the customer and request whom to supplement. 若用户无法提供清晰的原件,则在原件上用铅笔或其它可去除痕迹的标记注明。 If clear original copy of the document is impossible, the project manager shall use a pencil to mark it.

  翻译应使用原件的复印件进行翻译,在任何情况,不得遗失,污毁用户的原件。 The translation shall be based on the copies of the original document, in any case the original document is appropriately saved and shall not be damaged.

  3.3.2 翻译 3.3.2 Translation

  翻译人员应具有一定资质。 The translator(s) shall be qualified.

  翻译人员应熟悉所译资料涉及到的专业内容,备齐相应的工具书,根据用户要求进行翻译。 They are required to be familiar with the technologies involved, have corresponding dictionaries in hand and handle the translation according to the customer requirements. 在翻译过程中,不得缺译、漏译、跳译,对没有把握译准的地方,要加以注明。 During the translation it is forbidden that any part is ignored, either deliberately or without intention, for the texts which are difficult to be precisely translated, clear explanation is required.

  AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0','width','50','height','37','src','read_carefully_before~1','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','bgcolor','#003333','movie','read_carefully_before~1' ); //end AC code 翻译必须在翻译前仔细: Before starting to translate, the translator(s) shall
