

2021-12-17 13:41:19   来源:网络    点击:

抗静电    antistatic
反病毒程序    antivirus program
反病毒程序    antivirus program
automated optical inspection 自动光学检查    AOI
automated optical inspection 自动光学检查    AOI
adaptive predictive coding 自适应预测编码    APC
adaptive predictive coding 自适应预测编码    APC
automatic power control 自动功率控制    APC
automatic power control 自动功率控制    APC
avalanche photo diode 雪崩光电二极管    APD
avalanche photo diode 雪崩光电二极管    APD
avalanche photo diode 雪崩光电二极管    APD
雪崩光电二极管    APD avalanche photodiode
雪崩光电二极管    APD avalanche photodiode
雪崩光电二极管    APD avalanche photodiode
孔径    aperture
孔径补偿    aperture compensation
孔径补偿    aperture compensation
孔径失真    aperture distortion
光圈调校    aperture setting
automatic program generator 自动程序产生器    APG
automatic program generator 自动程序产生器    APG
automatic program generator 自动程序产生器    APG
application program interface 应用程序接口    API
asynchronous polling interface 异步轮询接口    API
application programming interface 应用程序接口    API
application program interface 应用程序接口    API
application programming interface 应用程序接口    API
application program interface 应用程序接口    API
asynchronous polling interface 异步轮询接口    API
application programming interface 应用程序接口    API
asynchronous polling interface 异步轮询接口    API
application program interface 应用程序接口    API
application programming interface 应用程序接口    API
advanced power management 高级电源管理    APM
advanced power management 高级电源管理    APM
advanced power management 高级电源管理    APM
advanced power management 高级电源管理    APM
analog private network signaling system 模拟专用网信令系统    APNSS
analog private network signaling system 模拟专用网信令系统    APNSS
analog private network signaling system 模拟专用网信令系统    APNSS
analog private network signaling system 模拟专用网信令系统    APNSS
可见的,外观的    apparent
可见的,外观的    apparent
视在电荷    apparent charge
视在电荷    apparent charge
视深    apparent depth
视深    apparent depth
视膨胀    apparent expansion
视膨胀    apparent expansion
视膨胀    apparent expansion
视在电感    apparent inductance
视在电感    apparent inductance
视在电感    apparent inductance
可见性能    apparent performance
可见性能    apparent performance
可见性能    apparent performance
表观功率    apparent power
表观功率    apparent power
美国苹果电脑公司    Apple
AppleShare软件    AppleShare
AppleShare软件    AppleShare
JAVA程序    applet
AppleTalk局域网    AppleTalk
AppleTalk局域网    AppleTalk
应用    application
应用    application
应用执行环境    application execution environment
应用执行环境    application execution environment
焦点应用阵列    application focused array
焦点应用阵列    application focused array
焦点应用阵列    application focused array
焦点应用阵列    application focused array
应用接口    application interface
应用接口    application interface
应用接口    application interface
应用层    application layer
应用层    application layer
应用层    application layer
应用服务器    application server
应用服务器    application server
应用软件    application software
应用软件    application software
应用软件    application software
应用的    applied
认可    approval
认可    approval
认可测试    approval test
认可测试    approval test
近似值    approximation
近似值    approximation
automatic place and route 自动布局及路由    APR
automatic place and route 自动布局及路由    APR
automatic place and route 自动布局及路由    APR
automatic place and route 自动布局及路由    APR
适当的    aptly
audio processor unit 声频处理器单元    APU
水解的    aqueous
水洗(技术)    aqueous cleaning
水洗(技术)    aqueous cleaning
水溶剂    aqueous solution
aspect ratio 长宽比    AR
aspect ratio 长宽比    AR
aspect ratio 长宽比    AR
聚芳基酰胺线    aramid yarn
聚芳基酰胺线    aramid yarn
仲裁器    arbiter
任意的    arbitrary
任意的    arbitrate
任意的    arbitrate
仲裁    arbitration
仲裁    arbitration
判优总线    arbitration bus
判优总线    arbitration bus
判优周期    arbitration cycle
判优周期    arbitration cycle
判优电路    arbitration scheme
判优电路    arbitration scheme
判优状态机器    arbitration state machine
判优状态机器    arbitration state machine
判优状态机器    arbitration state machine
判优时序    arbitration timing
判优时序    arbitration timing
弧,弓形    arc
电弧灯    arc light
弧形扫描    arc scanning
弧形扫描    arc scanning
架构,结构    architecture
架构设计    architecture design
attached resource computer network 附加资料电脑网络    ARCnet
attached resource computer network 附加资料电脑网络    ARCnet
attached resource computer network 附加资料电脑网络    ARCnet
advanced radio data information service 高级无线电数据信息业务    ARDIS
advanced radio data information service 高级无线电数据信息业务    ARDIS
advanced radio data information service 高级无线电数据信息业务    ARDIS
advanced radio data information service 高级无线电数据信息业务    ARDIS
区域    area
分区列阵TAB    area array TAB
分区列阵TAB    area array TAB
分区列阵TAB    area array TAB
区域发射源    area source
面密度    areal density
面密度    areal density
氩    argon
氩气    argon gas
氩气    argon gas
氩激光    argon laser
氩激光    argon laser
氩气溅镀蚀刻过程    argon sputter etch process
争论,论点    argument
Association of Radio Industry Business 无线电工商业协会    ARIB
Association of Radio Industry Business 无线电工商业协会    ARIB
Association of Radio Industry Business 无线电工商业协会    ARIB
Association of Radio Industry Business 无线电工商业协会    ARIB
算法,算术    arithmetic
算术平均值    arithmetic mean
算术平均值    arithmetic mean
Applied Research Laboratories 应用研究实验室    ARL
Applied Research Laboratories 应用研究实验室    ARL
Applied Research Laboratories 应用研究实验室    ARL
Applied Research Laboratories 应用研究实验室    ARL
advanced RSIC machines    ARM
advanced RSIC machines    ARM
advanced RSIC machines    ARM
asynchronous response mode 异步反应模式    ARM
advanced RSIC machines    ARM
asynchronous response mode 异步反应模式    ARM
电枢    armature
电枢    armature
Advanced Research Project Agency (美国国防部)高级研究计划局    ARPA
Advanced Research Project Agency (美国国防部)高级研究计划局    ARPA
Advanced Research Project Agency (美国国防部)高级研究计划局    ARPA
Advanced Research Project Agency (美国国防部)高级研究计划局    ARPA
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPA 网    ARPAnet
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPA 网    ARPAnet
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPA 网    ARPAnet
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network ARPA 网    ARPAnet
automatic repeat request 自动重复请求    ARQ
automatic repeat request 自动重复请求    ARQ
排列    arrangement
排列    arrangement
阵列    array
阵列    array
阵列天线    array antenna
阵列天线    array antenna
阵列天线    array antenna
砷,砒霜    arsenic
automated reasoning tool 自动化推论工具    ART
automated reasoning tool 自动化推论工具    ART
automated reasoning tool 自动化推论工具    ART
人工的,人造    artifact
人工的,人造    artifact
人造的,人工的    artificial
人造的,人工的    artificial
人造天线    artificial antenna
人造天线    artificial antenna
人造天线    artificial antenna
人工负载    artificial load
人工负载    artificial load
人工负载    artificial load
人造磁铁    artificial magnet
人造磁铁    artificial magnet
人造磁铁    artificial magnet
人工放射性物质    artificial radioactive substance
人工放射性物质    artificial radioactive substance
人工放射性物质    artificial radioactive substance
人工放射性物质    artificial radioactive substance
人工放射性物质    artificial radioactive substance
人工放射    artificial radioactivity
人工放射    artificial radioactivity
人工放射    artificial radioactivity
人工放射    artificial radioactivity
人工放射性同位素    artificial radioisotope
人工放射性同位素    artificial radioisotope
人工放射性同位素    artificial radioisotope
人工变换    artificial transformation
人工变换    artificial transformation
人工变换    artificial transformation
人工变换    artificial transformation
原图,布线图    artwork
原图数据    artwork data
原图数据    artwork data
原图生成    artwork generation
原图生成    artwork generation
application specific automation processor 特殊应用自动化处理器    ASAP
application specific automation processor 特殊应用自动化处理器    ASAP
application specific automation processor 特殊应用自动化处理器    ASAP
石棉    asbestos
asynchronous serial communication interface 异步串行通讯接口    ASCI
asynchronous serial communication interface 异步串行通讯接口    ASCI
asynchronous serial communication interface 异步串行通讯接口    ASCI
asynchronous serial communication interface 异步串行通讯接口    ASCI
American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码    ASCII
American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码    ASCII
American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码    ASCII
American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码    ASCII
American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码    ASCII
application specific integrated circuit 特殊应用集成电路    ASIC
application specific integrated circuit 特殊应用集成电路    ASIC
application specific integrated circuit 特殊应用集成电路    ASIC
application specific integrated processor 特殊应用综合处理器    ASIP
application specific integrated processor 特殊应用综合处理器    ASIP
application specific integrated processor 特殊应用综合处理器    ASIP
amplitude shift keying 振幅变换键控    ASK
amplitude shift keying 振幅变换键控    ASK
advanced solder mask 先进焊接掩膜    ASM
advanced solder mask 先进焊接掩膜    ASM
advanced solder mask 先进焊接掩膜    ASM
abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法表示法 1    ASN.1
abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法表示法 1    ASN.1
abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法表示法 1    ASN.1
abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法表示法 1    ASN.1
abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法表示法 1    ASN.1
active serve pages 动态服务文档    ASP
adapter signal process 配接器信号处理    ASP
active serve pages 动态服务文档    ASP
adapter signal process 配接器信号处理    ASP
adapter signal process 配接器信号处理    ASP
adapter signal process 配接器信号处理    ASP
active serve pages 动态服务文档    ASP
天门冬胺酸    aspartic acid
天门冬胺酸    aspartic acid
天门冬胺酸    aspartic acid
外表的,长宽的    aspect
非球面的    aspherical
非球面的    aspherical
非球面镜    aspherical mirror
非球面镜    aspherical mirror
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface 先进SCSI(小型电脑系统接口)编程接口    ASPI
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface 先进SCSI(小型电脑系统接口)编程接口    ASPI
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface 先进SCSI(小型电脑系统接口)编程接口    ASPI
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface 先进SCSI(小型电脑系统接口)编程接口    ASPI
Advanced SCSI Programming Interface 先进SCSI(小型电脑系统接口)编程接口    ASPI
automatic storage and retrieval system 自动化储存及检索系统    ASRS
automatic storage and retrieval system 自动化储存及检索系统    ASRS
automatic storage and retrieval system 自动化储存及检索系统    ASRS
automatic storage and retrieval system 自动化储存及检索系统    ASRS
automatic storage and retrieval system 自动化储存及检索系统    ASRS
汇编程序    assembler
汇编,组装    assembly
汇编代码    assembly code
汇编语言    assembly language
汇编语言    assembly language
汇编语言    assembly language
汇编过程    assembly process
指定的    assigned
指定值    assigned value
指定值    assigned value
分配,指定    assigner
分配,指定,赋值    assignment
关联的    associative
关联的    associative
关联结构    associative architecture
关联结构    associative architecture
关联结构    associative architecture
关联检索    associative lookup
关联检索    associative lookup
关联存储器    associative memory
关联存储器    associative memory
关联规则    associative rules
关联规则    associative rules
application specific standard product 特殊应用标准产品    ASSP
application specific standard product 特殊应用标准产品    ASSP
application specific standard product 特殊应用标准产品    ASSP
application specific standard product 特殊应用标准产品    ASSP
application specific standard product 特殊应用标准产品    ASSP
保证    assurance
保证    assurance
散光    astigmatism
散光    astigmatism
天文的    astronomical
天文的    astronomical
天文单位    astronomical unit
天文单位    astronomical unit
天文学    astronomy
不对称密码系统    asymmetric cryptographic system
不对称密码系统    asymmetric cryptographic system
非对称    asymmetrical
非对称    asymmetrical
非对称单元    asymmetrical cell
非对称单元    asymmetrical cell
渐近线    asymptote
异步    asynchronous
异步位    asynchronous bit
异步字符    asynchronous character
异步字符    asynchronous character
异步字符    asynchronous character
异步通讯接口    asynchronous communication interface
异步通讯接口    asynchronous communication interface
异步通讯接口    asynchronous communication interface
异步机器    asynchronous machine
异步机器    asynchronous machine
异步存储器总线    asynchronous memory bus
异步调制    Asynchronous Modulation
异步调制    Asynchronous Modulation
异步操作    asynchronous operation
异步操作    asynchronous operation
异步并行算法    asynchronous parallel algorithm
异步并行算法    asynchronous parallel algorithm
异步并行算法    asynchronous parallel algorithm
异步接收模式    asynchronous receiving mode
异步发送模式    asynchronous sending mode
异步状态机器    asynchronous state machine
异步状态机器    asynchronous state machine
异步状态机器    asynchronous state machine
异步交换    asynchronous switching
异步传输    asynchronous transmission
异步传输    asynchronous transmission
AT命令集    AT command set
AT命令集    AT command set
全速度测试    at speed test
accelerated thermal cycle 加速热循环    ATC
accelerated thermal cycle 加速热循环    ATC
accelerated thermal cycle 加速热循环    ATC
AppleTalk control protocol AppleTalk 控制协议    ATCP
AppleTalk control protocol AppleTalk 控制协议    ATCP
AppleTalk control protocol AppleTalk 控制协议    ATCP
automatic test generator 自动测试产生器    ATG
asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输模式    ATM
asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输模式    ATM
asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输模式    ATM
ATM承载电路业务    ATM bearer service
ATM承载电路业务    ATM bearer service
ATM信元    ATM cell
ATM管理对象    ATM management objects
ATM管理对象    ATM management objects
ATM管理对象    ATM management objects
ATM交换    ATM switch
大气,空气    atmosphere
大气的    atmospheric
大气压力    atmospheric pressure
原子    atom
原子的    atomic
原子钟    atomic clock
原子能    atomic energy
原子热    atomic heat
原子质量    atomic mass
原子质量    atomic mass
原子质量单位    atomic mass unit
原子质量单位    atomic mass unit
原子核    atomic nucleus
原子序数    atomic number
原子结构    atomic structure
原子量    atomic weight
雾化,原子分离    atomization
喷雾器    atomizer
Advanced Television Systems Committee 先进电视系统委员会    ATSC
Advanced Television Systems Committee 先进电视系统委员会    ATSC
Advanced Television Systems Committee 先进电视系统委员会    ATSC
附加,附属    attach
附加,附属    attach
附带变换    attach map
附带变换    attach map
附带变换    attach map
附加的,附属的    attached
附加的,附属的    attached
附件    attachment
附件    attachment
注意周期    attention cycle
衰减    attenuate
衰减    attenuation
衰减频带    attenuation band
衰减频带    attenuation band
衰减系数    attenuation coefficient
衰减常数    attenuation constant
衰减常数    attenuation constant
衰减电流    attenuation current
衰减失真    attenuation distortion
衰减均衡    attenuation equalization
衰减均衡    attenuation equalization
衰减常数    attenuation factor
衰减常数    attenuation factor
衰减值    attenuation values
衰减值    attenuation values
衰减器    attenuator
相吸作用    attraction
相吸作用    attraction
引力    attractive force
引力    attractive force
吸引子    attractor
吸引子    attractor
属性    attribute
属性代码    attribute code
属性控制器    attribute controller
属性类型    attribute type
ADSL transceiver unit ADSL 收发器单元    ATU
ADSL transceiver unit ADSL 收发器单元    ATU
ADSL transceiver unit ADSL 收发器单元    ATU
administrative unit 管理单元    AU
administrative unit 管理单元    AU
可闻音域    audible range
声频放大器    audio amplifier
声频分析仪    audio analyzer
声频分析仪    audio analyzer
声频放大器    audio frequency amplifier
音频数据流    audio streaming
attachment unit interface 附属单元接口    AUI
attachment unit interface 附属单元接口    AUI
极光椭圆区    auroral oval region
编辑语言    authoring language
编辑语言    authoring language
自动应答    auto answer
自动应答机    auto answering machine
自动电话接听机    auto answering machine
自动应答机    auto answering machine
自动电话接听机    auto answering machine
自动(电文)鉴别    auto authentication
自动拨号    auto dial
自动设换范围    auto ranging
自动微调温度控制器    auto tuning temperature controller
自动化    automated
自动化检查系统    automated inspection system
自动化物料处理    automated materials handling
自动化物料处理    automated materials handling
自动化物料处理    automated materials handling
自动    automatic
(ACD)自动呼叫分配    automatic call distribution
(ACD)自动呼叫分配    automatic call distribution
(ACD)自动呼叫分配    automatic call distribution
自动信道分配    automatic channel assignment
自动信道分配    automatic channel assignment
自动信道分配    automatic channel assignment
自动配置    automatic configuration
自动控制    automatic control
自动用户    Automatic Customer
自动拨号机    automatic dialer
自动拨号机    automatic dialer
数字自动识别    automatic number identification
自动相位控制    automatic phase control
自动相位控制    automatic phase control
自动置放机    automatic placement machine
自动置放机    automatic placement machine
自动保护交换    automatic protection switching
自动音量控制    automatic volume control
自动化    automation
自动换档    autoranging
自动调谐温度控制器    autotuning temperature controller
辅助操作    auxiliary operation
辅助操作    auxiliary operation
辅助开关    auxiliary switch
有效性,可用性    availability
可用的,有效的    available
可用存储器    available memory
雪崩    avalanche
雪崩    avalanche
雪崩击穿    avalanche breakdown
雪崩击穿    avalanche breakdown
雪崩击穿    avalanche breakdown
具体化    avatar
具体化    avatar
平均    average
平均加速度    average acceleration
平均加速度    average acceleration
平均加速度    average acceleration
平均速度    average velocity
automatic vehicle location 自动车辆定位    AVL
automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器    AVR
automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调节器    AVR
知道,明白    awareness
知道,明白    awareness
American Wire Gauge 美式线计量标准    AWG
American Wire Gauge 美式线计量标准    AWG
American Wire Gauge 美式线计量标准    AWG
automated x ray inspection 自动X射线检查    AXI
automated x ray inspection 自动X射线检查    AXI
automated x ray inspection 自动X射线检查    AXI
轴    axial
轴    axial
轴向引线元件    axial lead component
轴向引线元件    axial lead component
轴向引线元件    axial lead component
轴    axis
转动轴    axis of rotation
转动轴    axis of rotation